HIE Overview / Architecture
Up to 50x faster
Than traditional databases in the industry and boasts one the lowest overhead when it comes to everyday interaction with files and applications
Trusted for over 15 years
to get it right
Outcome Healthcare delivers a Health Information Exchange architecture optimized for organizations seeking uncompromised enterprise-class data management, utilizing FHIR for high-performance workflows that improve patient care through appropriate information sharing.
End-to-end support for compliant Health Information Exchange
Outcome Healthcare has developed an integrated and feature-rich Healthcare Information Exchange (HIE) architecture, based upon HL7 FHIR®, that provides connectivity for accessing aggregated information while maintaining regulatory compliance such as HIPAA. The system provides flexibility in choosing hosting and management models from do-it-yourself hosted to fully supported by our team of experts.
Outcome Healthcare’s governance means you are ready for regulatory review, while delivering trusted enterprise-class protection that is simple to install, easy to use, and highly performant.
CORE SERVICES for HIE Operations:
- System Management / Monitoring
- Data Ingestion / Standardization
- API Services for Users, Consent, Patient Groups, Permissions, Provider Groups, Provider Organizations, Practices, Quality Measures, Waste Measures
- Rules Engine for Message Routing and Encounter Notifications
- FHIR® Resource Deduplication
- Forms Management
Our HIE Platform is Fully Loaded and Ready to Customize
We design and implement FHIR-ready architectures for public and private Health Information Exchanges (HIE) to include graphical interpretation of data with real-time sharing of aggregated medical data between disparate health information systems.
Outcome Healthcare implements interoperable HIE functions with a FHIR-ready Data Repository with APIs for Data In / Out. The Outcome Healthcare offering can provide Analytics and Reporting at faster speeds with SQL queries across TB to PB scale data sets. Providing experience in migrating Mirth clients and supporting clients ready to connect for information.
Outcome Healthcare is a trusted security vendor delivering strategic program direction to ensure compliance, remove barriers to program development, provide advisory services and meet HL7, HIPAA, and FHIR standards requirements.
Out Core Services layer enables the ability to not only solve customer problems, but to look at their challenges in unique ways – uncovering new, innovative solutions to existing problems.
Technology to manage patient data effortlessly

Advances in technology and advanced data standards have long helped other industries. Now it is happening in healthcare with HL7® to FHIR® or CCD / CDA® to FHIR® standards evolution. By leveraging deep technical and health system expertise, Outcome Healthcare provides technology-enabled services, from core IT management services for HIEs through conversion services, including Mirth system sunsetting. Outcome Healthcare can also help you respond in near real-time to traditional interoperability needs with other HIEs, National Networks and EMR/EHR systems.
An End to End Platform for Data Interoperability
Outcome Healthcare has developed an extensive healthcare architecture over the years to best equip HIEs to handle patient data securely, accurately, and quickly.
Prebuilt connectors are included for both HL7 and CDA and other formats may be integrated through the use of an integration engine. If the data is found to meet the standards set and is not filtered, the message is transformed to and sent to the FHIR backend for ingestion. Some improvements during this process can include codeset mappings, removal of sensitive data and filtering of bad or incomplete data. Every transaction that is successfully ingested by the FHIR CDR is logged in an audit trail. If a transaction causes an error, it can be tracked and reviewed via reports / alerts. Through the development of these tools, Outcome Healthcare is able to ensure that every message received from any given participant will be carefully processed and ingested with a full audit trail attached.
If a patient has already been created previously, a new message successfully ingested will add all available data from the given data source to that patient’s profile in the Portal; allowing for providers to get additional insight into their patient. Meanwhile, if an HL7 ADT message is received for a patient with no previous history, a new patient is created in the Outcome HIE Platform and populated with any data that the ADT contains. The Outcome HIE Platform also leverages the Postgres database for data on consent, patient groups, and other important information that was previously mentioned. If a CDA is received for a patient, in addition to the data being ingested the document itself is connected to that patient and stored accordingly in the Document Registry / Repository.
When a participant initiates a Document Query for a given patient, the FHIR CDR is accessed. If the patient exists in the system, a FHIR JSON object is returned which contains all of the patient’s historical documents. Any documents that are from the participant that is querying are filtered out in order to avoid providing duplicate data. A summary document of all the patient’s historical data is also generated and made available. After returning the list of existing documents, a Document Retrieval message will follow from the participant requesting a specific document. The document in question is then retrieved from the Document Store, securely encoded, and sent back to the participant.
Each patient is stored in the CDR via a FHIR JSON object that contains all of their data. Whenever a new message is received for a patient, a call is made to the CDR to retrieve their patient record. The patient record is updated with the new data and displayed in the Portal.
The patient data in the CDR automatically replicated to a FHIR based Data Warehouse in Google Big Query. This Data Warehouse is accessed to generate reports on what type of data in ingested, the volume of data ingested, what participants are sending data, and more. These reports can be used internally or sent to data consuming participants. Furthermore, the Data Warehouse is used to facilitate bulk data extracts by data consumers — preventing strain on the CDR.
HL7 FHIR compliant Health Information Exchange allows for the seamless, real-time flow of data between stakeholders for:
Who is Outcome Healthcare?
Providing a complete range of services and solutions, Outcome Healthcare has delivered innovative, integrated solutions that have improved workflows and communication within the healthcare industry for more than 15 years. The Outcome Healthcare team stays connected in a distributed environment while maintaining safety and standards throughout regional, state, and national healthcare projects, including many healthcare information exchange projects.